Thursday, April 22, 2010

Transformational Leadership

Achievement of corporate goals and employee goals at once is no easy task. This is very important, because the effectiveness of a leader is measured from the performance and growth of the organization he leads and the satisfaction of the followers of pemimpinannya. Therefore, a leader must be able to influence followers to accept the request without using the compulsion so voluntarily subordinates will behave and perform according to the demands of the organization through referrals leaders.

To be able to influence the behavior and performance of followers, we need a certain leadership styles or behaviors. Where is the leadership style which is owned by a leader in a company with one another there is no equality, if there are similarities perhaps from one side only, while the other side there are differences.
Leadership or leadership is a process of directing and influencing work-related activities of member groups. According to the Hersey and Blanchard, leadership is a process of influencing the activities of individuals or groups in an effort to achieve goals in specific situations. Leadership is a style of a leader affects the subordinate, in order to cooperate and work effectively in accordance with his orders.
Leadership style is what caused a person elected as a leader or manager, because it is most closely associated with corporate goals are achieved, the types of activities should be led, the workforce characteristics, motives, and other businesses. According to Stoner terms of leadership style or leadership style is: different patterns of behavior are favored by the leaders involved in the process of directing.
One theory is the most comprehensive change agent is the theory of transformational leadership was first developed by James MacGregor Burns in a political context. The theory further refined and introduced into the organizational context by Bernard Bass.
Basically, the theory of transformational leadership emphasizes the importance of a leader create a vision and motivating environment for subordinates to perform beyond expectations. In this case, the subordinates feel trust, admiration, loyalty, and respect for the leaders, so they are motivated to do more than what they expected. Even sometimes beyond what they thought they could do. This leadership model is based more on efforts to transform the leader of various values, beliefs, and needs of subordinates.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Get the Better Payment Term!

There are two ways to get better payment terms from your suppliers – make sure you know what the pricing is and negotiate the payment terms last, without warning. Most businesses do not expect small business and start-up business to negotiate payment terms, so you have the element of surprise on your side – and it makes you look more professional.
Firstly there is the extended payment term, of 60, 90 and 180 days – see if your supplier will allow any of those terms. Even if they only give you 60 days, you can always go back after 3-4 month using this payment terms in which you have shown to be trustworthy. If it is declined and only 30 days are offered – because you have no history – then this is the perfect scenario of our second method.
Early payment discounts of 2% if you pay within 7 days. This is like a 24% p.a. discount on the invoice value, not a bad way to compensate for the overdraft interest charges from your bank.
Surly you supplier is interested in your business, and is not going to decline both offers – you win either way – if they decline, then look for a new supplier. Because you are not only helping yourself with your cash-flow, but theirs too.

The Importance of Work Environment

Creating a positive working environment is important to strengthen employee morale. Stress can cripple your staff and make for a toxic working environment. When employees are overworked, they will experience high loads of stress which can lead to illnesses, reduced employee morale, lower productivity, and several other issues. The attitude a manager brings to the office can lead to higher amounts of stress. Are you coming into work with a dictatorship working style? Do your employees run around like crazy when you are in the office because they are trying to please you? 

A manager that causes stress in the workplace is not respected by their employees. Instead they are feared by their employees. The employees do not have a desire to work for you and they are going through the motions to get by. The productivity and morale will be low because you are causing high amounts of stress on your staff.

To develop a strong work balance and provide your employees with a healthy working environment, here are some tips:
  • Improve the physical working environment. A big stress to employees is the way the office is set up. Are your employees stuck in awkward positions when they are working? The working posture and positions you employees are in can cause stress on your employees. Introduce a healthy working environment by changing their desks, chairs, etc. An ergonomic working environment actually does reduce stress and will boost productivity as well as employee morale. Rearrange the office to make it easier to get around and to help your employees perform their job duties effectively.
  • Reduce their workloads. Employees always have a desire to please their boss, this often leads to them taking on large workloads and they may be unable to complete their work in a timely manner. Sit down with your employees and talk about their workloads. If you see that an employee is looking stressed, try to reduce their workload. Make sure the employees all have a balanced workload so they can perform their job duties effectively and efficiently.
  • Introduce exercise into the office. Try introducing a wellness program into the office to make everyone reduce their stress loads. Offer an on-site gym, add gym memberships to your list of employee perks, or try including an extra 30 minutes of "exercise time" during office hours. Encourage your employees to head to the break room for a yoga class or head outside for a nice walk. Including exercise in the workday provides your employees with stress reduction they need to perform their job duties easier and they will be much happier when doing so.
  • Take a look at your office environment. Are there things that are causing additional stress to your employees? Lighting plays a huge role in stress and employee morale. If your employees do not have enough exposure to natural sunlight, it leads to depression and stress. You can purchase new lights that actually mimic sunlight and have been shown to improve employee's moods and working environment. Wall colors can cause employees to feel stressed. Repaint the office soothing tones like light blue and tan as these colors help to soothe your staff and can provide a harmonious working environment.
  • Introduce laughter into the workplace. The easiest way reduce stress is to crack a joke with your employees and help them to lighten up a little bit. Laughter is one of the best ways to reduce tension in the office and to make your employees get along easier. Your personality plays a huge role in developing a relaxed and comfortable workplace where your employees will relax and become productive.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Internet Marketing Business

Internet can be used as a source of additional income. Through the internet marketing business, for some people the internet is a source of reliable income. Many people are interested to earn money from internet marketing business. In general, they rely on Google to find more information about internet marketing business.

Internet already is one tool that can be used to multiply the money through the internet marketing business, with little capital to start a blog so we can follow a variety of programs that can generate money, such as by following the PPC program (Pay-Per-click), Paid Reviews , or an Affiliate, or commonly known as the Multiple Sources of Income.

Automatic Money Machine Automated Money Machine or System of a lot of us met on a business ad or sales letter internet business. There are people who interpret it the automatic cash machines like physical machines or let's say money printing factory run automatically using a high-tech robots, there are those who interpret the automatic cash machines as a business system that any time can make money on the owner, there are also those who say automated cash machine does not exist.

In today's media with the internet already so wide and then run all the activities including a business becomes easier and without limits. When the usually marketed products or services offline is usually done in places of business as the store or through a network marketing business, now can sell products or services on the Internet using a website that directly markets become more widespread, the market could reach all of Indonesia market as well as a greater direct again to markets worldwide.